The marbled rye bread was one of the most interesting breads thus far. I did not get the color differentiation that Peter did in his illustrations in the book. I did not use the caramel coloring; rather I used the cocoa, which, clearly, was not dark enough. In the future, I will try the caramel coloring and continue to add the dark until it is the color I want it to be.
Now on the subject of caraway seeds: I have found that people either love them or hate them, which I find interesting. I am in the love them camp. In fact, a few years ago, I finally gathered my courage and added them to a recipe for Irish soda bread. I know! I was aghast too, the first time I saw this as an ingredient in this traditional non-yeasted loaf. In trying to be as authentic as possible, though, I gave it a go and was pleasantly surprised to find that they were a wonderful addition to this afternoon tea accompaniment. I find the caraway to lend a bit of a sweet taste. I took this bread to the other 7th grade teachers on my team for our Friday morning collaboration meeting, and this is where I learned of the great divide. While most were ecstatic to have freshly baked bread, butter, and jam to munch on in the early morning hours of our meeting, there were a couple of teachers who politely said no thanks specifically because of the caraway.
My mother loved this bread, stating that this was her absolute favorite so far and wanted to "hire" me to make it for her on an ongoing basis. I don't know that I would go that far, but it did make great toast!
Close-up of the Finished Loaf
I bought the caramel coloring and then tipped it all over my BBA cookbook. Let me tell you it dyes beautiful white pages quite well. Wish I never bought it.