Book Cover - Bread Baker's Apprentice
My Version
I love this bread! It is definitely in my top three. Now, Monsieur Poilane's bread is famous - no legendary. I have read about it - first in Bernard Clayton's great book, The Breads of France, and often, since then, in a wide variety of publications from travel books to food magazines to cookbooks. I have even eaten some of Poilaine's bread, which was flown in from Paris to San Francisco - but never have I had the temerity to attempt to make this iconic bread until today.
It was surprisingly easy, and though the author says not to mix it in the stand mixer, I gave it a try, and it worked fine. Let's hear it for the trusty Kitchen Aid - mine isn't even the big one.
When that loaf came out of the oven - so impressively huge and well-risen, I was ecstatic. It filled my house with that tangy sourdough aroma and the taste - well - unbelievable - great flavor - perfect texture - with an amazing crust. This may just be the perfect bread!
Well done, Peter. You mastered Poilane's formula.
See the crackles on the crust? That happened after it came from the oven - crackled in the cold early morning air - a lovely sound.
I like the lights in this picture - the glow from the lamp to the left and the Christmas tree to the right.
View from Above
Three-Quarter Angle
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